“Tea for Two, Two for Tea.” All songs tonight feature the word “Two.”
This podcast was originally aired on Sunday, August 9, 2015.
- Two Lost Souls | Damn Yankees
- It Takes Two | Into the Woods
- Two People in Love | Baby
- True to Two | Mr. Cinders
- Two Kinsmen | The Mystery of Edwin Drood
- You Two | Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
- Two Cheers Instead of Three | Face the Music
- Two Nobodies in New York | [title of show]
- Tea for Two | No, No, Nanette
- Two by Two | Two by Two
- Two of a Kind | Gone With the Wind
- Two’s Company | The Magic Show
- You’ve Got to Pick a Pocket or Two | Oliver!
- It Takes Two | Hairspray
- Two is the Beginning of the End | Peter & Wendy
- Show You a Thing or Two | Bat Boy
- Two Ladies | Cabaret