On this episode, an audio recording of the 1964 absurdist comedy, Luv, with the original cast of Alan Arkin, Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson. The production, which was directed by Mike Nichols, opened on Nov. 11, 1964 and ran for over 900 performance.
Earlier this month, in honor of Playwright Murray Schisgal, who passed away on October 1st, Sounds of Broadway broadcast an audio recording of his most well-known work, the absurdist comedy Luv, which starred Alan Arkin, Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson. The production, which was directed by Mike Nichols, opened on Nov. 11, 1964 and ran for over 900 performances. Since it was a one-time event, listeners may have missed the broadcast. So, for this episode of On Broadway, we replay that audio recording in its entirety, with no breaks.